carving itself again at 4:54 AM
carving itself again at 4:02 PM
so hey guys, wassupp!
i've been in NZ for a week already, the weather's pretty cold at times
the views are amazing, lots and lots of space
well, the lots of space can get kinda inconvenient too
cos if i need to get someting, i need to plan when to get it...where to get it etc etc
it's not like singapore where you can just get something quickly from the nearest 24hr shop
lectures will be starting next week, man tt's fast
and i need to get all these expensive art materials...sigh
and books....
I dun think i can afford to get my notes printed (u know those powerpoint slides for lectures) cos printing is NZ$0.10 per page
ya yikes! i know...
hmm, i'm currently staying in a hall with NO INTERNET ACCESS
seriously, maybe i'm just unlucky or something cos i got one of those no internet access halls
next time round i'm gonna get those self-catered halls
will post some pics here when i have the time!
the next day we left for singapore in the morning