carving itself again at 10:34 AM
carving itself again at 11:33 AM
tomorrow is comming....
tomorrow is off day!
wahaha....sounds like i have nothing else to look forward to...hmmm...anyways
off day means no work
and that's the day i look forward to every week
even though this day is not fixed day tomorrow.....lalalla
why did we evolve to become humans?
here are some definitions ...
humane ~ showing kindness towards people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary
humanitarian ~ concerned with reducing suffering and improving the conditions that people live in
humanity ~ people in general ~ the state of being a person rather than god, an animal or machine ~ the quality of being kind to people and animals by making sure they do not suffer more than is necessary
humanly ~ within human ability
human right ~ one of the basic rights that everyone has to be treated fairly and not in a curel way
so basically the human species is supposed to be kind and thoughtful. issit?
if this is how words associated with humans are defined, how come so many times it's the opposite?
i thought as years pass, we get more experienced and knowledgeable
we know the rights and wrongs...
shouldn't we be better people?
do you know what i see?
i see those people around their thirtys to fiftys as the most horrible lot.
( i'm not sure if it's just the case in this country... i need to go around the world 1st)
these people say the younger generation are playful, rude...blah blah blah
they should take a beter look at themselves
not only are they ignorant, they're arrogant.
their know-it-all, i'm-the-best, treat-me-like-a-god, i-want-to-complain attitude REALLY IRKS ME.
civillised my bloody head!
people treat others like nothing. they treat people serving them even worse. they think they should be worshipped.
then i start thinking
issit because they had a bad experience, thus the attitude?
or is it some vicious cycle inherited from their parents and society?
has society given them a thirty year on-job-training on how to not be human?
if that's the case...oh man i should be going around shouting for help now...
i don't want to end up like 'them'. i don't want to turn out a bitter person.
you know the classic angel devil physco you see in shows?
you know there's this little angel and devil on top of ur head, convincing you who's right
i get that a lot
so you see, part of me says they're not to blame cos it's just like bian...
but part of me feels who are they to treat others like that? kharma will get them one day...
we did not evolve to get sophisticated brains and wadever to make the world a worse place to live in right? cos that seems to be the case.
i actually have a lot of things on my mind about humanity now...but to put it up in the post would be too confusing.....
it's that 'you understand but then don't understand feeling'
sometimes i hope something would happen to earth....
like some gigantic comet thing would hit earth.....
you that it could wipe off the whole of humanity.....
maybe it's better off that way.
sick of humanity....i'll stick with that for now.