carving itself again at 11:28 AM
carving itself again at 2:11 PM
carving itself again at 1:36 PM
at last!
i'm gonna get my nyaa
yeah. yeah. grin.
wanted to get one of those since sec school
can't wait for 5th october
let's hope i can get leave that day
no. die die must get.
will drink detergent to get MC if needed.
MUAHAHAHA....yeah rrright...
ayia why dun have the ceremony in SP....have to travel so far to NYP
working shifts messing up the days and the nights
feels weird to finish work at 8am and then start work at 10pm the same day
but will get used to it soon. i hope.
have to work on christmas. oh but good thing new year's eve's off.
working is making me fatter and fatter. and fatter.
need. to. exercise. very. badly.
lots to learn. lots to remember.
i smile at a lot of ppl at work.
and i find myself suddenly smiling at more ppl even when i'm not at work. hmm
can't wait to get my uniform.
why? cos a lot of ppl keep commenting "under study ah?"
hahaha....yah yah, i'm under study.....but i'm still clearing you...
oh i find that sbs bus uncles very friendly...hehhehheh
oh ya. you should see the SEA OF MOTORCYCLES at woodlands in the mornings.
look at the time. time to sleep.
how can steve de croc hunter die so suddenly
like how can
by a stingray???
walau eh
sad man
he was so 'alive'.....
hai hope nothing happes to jeff corwin
training in choa chu kang is even more tiring
OJT in woodlands
that's gonna be my permanent work place
wahhh....also very far
and tiring in everyyy aspect
30 min meal break only
oh visited comex the other day
some good deals
after walking around the same booth a few times
everytime a new person quotes a price
it gets lower every time
so 3 more weeks and it's back to HTA for more training
ho hum.
soo tiring.