carving itself again at 10:09 PM
carving itself again at 10:03 PM
carving itself again at 9:59 PM
carving itself again at 9:55 PM
carving itself again at 9:49 PM
i actually find tis pic really cute...but my friends juz seem to give me tt ugh..disgusted look...anyways... dropped tis tomato(u do realise it's a tomato rite)...and kinda accidently stepped on looked so 'juicy' i juz gotta take a pic of it......
did i mention my new hobby during the exams...observing pigeons...yup! a lot of pics from my constant-looking-out-of-tha-window...this one looks kinda cute...the black one with the wad-ya-looking-at look...and the pretty brown one looking up at the black one....
now ...i actually waited quite some time to catch that lightning...
here's another one...yea yea...still from the same window...notice the moon at the top right ...nice....what great colours....
pretty?....a night shot i took frm home...i think it's beautttifulll...